Gbemisola Ajayi

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*Name:* Gbemisola Ajayi

A Nigeran spinster
Gbemisola Ajayi

*Location*: ikorodu Lagos

*Facebook link*:

*Place of worship*: Redeem Christian Church of God

*Occupation*: Financial Advisor

*Are you born again*: yes

*Describe your salvation experience*: it was an experience I don’t pray to recover from last Sunday of the year 2018 a sermon preached from Joshua 24:15 and God said to me,who are you going to Serve this new year you are entering again..and that is how my salvation journey started.

*Can you marry an unbeliever*: No

*Would you accept marriage proposal from person of another faith say islam*: No

*Educational Level*: MSC. Accounting and Financial Management

*What do you desire in a husband*: A man who love and fears the Lord,Hardworking,Self control, Patience and Good looking.



*Tribe*: Yoruba

What are my *expectations regarding marriage*: Kingdom Marriage, raising Godly children, Effective communication and Understanding.


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