Name: Sogbamu Oluwatobiloba Elizabeth
Sex: Female
Present location: Ayobo Lagos
Facebook link: Lizzy Francis
Place of worship: RCCG
Occupation: TEACHER
Are you born again?YES
Describe your salvation experience: Ever since I got saved I have been experiencing God’s unlimited grace
Would you accept marriage proposal from an unbeliever? NO
Would accept marriage proposal from a person of another faith say Islam? No
Educational level: BSc Ed
What do you desire in a wife/Husband: God fearing and caring
Are you a single parent? No
Age: 25 years
origin: Ogun
Tribe: Yoruba
As regards marriage/relationship what are your expectations: Marital counseling and marital settlement
With a paragraph not of more than 45 words describe your kind of person: An introvert, kindhearted, hardworking and a lover of God
Whatsapp: +234 812 262 8398
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