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7 – 8am~ M.D
7- 12 pm ~ Please Advice/Today’s Topic
3- 5 pm ~ Interlude
5- 11pm ~ Pls Advice Me/Today’s

7 – 8 am ~M.D
8 – 12 pm ~ Please Advice me/Today’s
3 – 5 pm ~ Interlude
3 – 5 pm ~ Interlude
5 – 11pm ~ Please Advice Me/Today’s Topic

7 – 8 am ~ M.D
8 – 12 pm ~ Post Your Articles
3 – 5 ~ Interlude
5-11 pm  ~  Please Advice Me/Today’s

7 – 8  am ~ M.D
8- 12 pm Please Advice/ Today’s Topic
3 – 5 pm ~ Interlude
5 -11 pm ~ Hotseat

7 – 8 am ~M.D 8 – 12 pm ~ Post your Articles
3 – 5 pm ~ Interlude
5 – 11 pm ~ Please Advice/Today’s Topic

7 –  8  am ~ MD
8 – 12 pm ~ Please Advice Me/Today’s Topic
3 – 5 pm ~ Please Adve me/Today’s Topic
5 – 8 pm  ~ Interlude
8 – 10 pm  ~ Know Your Neighbour ( KYN)
10 -11 pm ~ interlude continues

7 – 12 pm ~ Interlude
3 – 7 pm  ~  Book Review
7 –  11 pm  ~ Interlude


Morning Devotion (M.D): This is just morning prayers and brief Bible reading/exhortation. It will be rotated among members. Those who can lead should indicate to us.

Please Advice Me: During this programme, people bring their problems especially relationship/ marriage problem and get useful advice based on Sriptures from members who are versed in the knowledge of the Word of God.

Interlude: During the period you can discuss with others, ask someone any questions you like to ask. Some body called it catching cruise. But it must be done without carnality . Its a time when you generally socialize with others in the group.

Post Your Articles: During this period  you post any articles you have written or got from somewhere. Something you know will bless, encourage, educate, inform or inspire other. It must be related to relationship/ marriage.

Know You Neighbour: During this period, 4 members i.e 2 sisters and 2 brothers will be put on the spotlight.  They will tell us about themselves. The person moderating  will ask them And question then other that has questions fir them will do so too.

Hotseat: An expert will give a talk on topic relating to relationship/marriage, health, nutrition, cooking, fitness etc. Members will ask  questions.

Testimonies: During this time members share testimonies of what the Lord has done for them to inspire others to wait on God

Book Review: During this time, members will be select a  book on relationship/marriage which they have read and tell all they know about the book.

Dark Secrets: This is a programme created for those who have confessions to make. This is form of restitution that unburdens your conscience and prepare you for Gods blessings. The person confessing doesn’t need to show his/ her real picture on his/ her Whatsapp Status. He/she will be required  to remove his or her picture on his or her Whatsapp status to protect his/her identity.



  1. I will like to be one of the members of this group

  2. Nice group where bachelors and spinsters can learn what will help them in building a godly home

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