Month: July 2023

  • Planning Your Wedding on a low budget

    Due to inflation, cost of living is sky rocketing in many countries. For many young people, funding their wedding has become a frightening venture. However there are strategies you can adopt to bring down the cost of your wedding. Let’s look at them Cooking and drinks Instead of hiring for a caterer, look for church…

  • One Night Stand

    On night stand happens when a man and woman have sex on their first date. More often than not, in one night stand relationship, the woman involved is the loser. The story at the end of the post describes the anguish a lady in a one night stand scenario suffers. When you are tempted to…

  • 6 Signs He Is Not Interested In Marriage

    Majority of the ungodly men out there are only interested in taking ladies to bed just to satisfy their sexual appetite. Only few are interested in marriage. However they have noticed that many young girls are looking for marriage and not just a fling. So they device means get the ladies to warm their beds…

  • To Do Check list For Your Upcoming Wedding

    If the date for your wedding is already fixed than this post is to help you organise yourself and remind you of the things you have to do to make the day a success. I have made a list of the things you need to do:

  • Spirits That Destroy Marriage

    Incubus and Sucumbus are fallen angels popularly known as Spirit Husband and Spirit Wife respectively. Do you remember that prior to the time God destroyed the world through the deluge, the Bible reported that the Sons of God were marrying the daughters of men? Pleead Genesis 6:1 & 2. These demons are assigned task of…