Category: Relationship

  • CB&S 2 Programme Schedule

    MON: 9 – 12 pm ~  Bible Quiz 12 – till dawn ~Godly Counsel TUE: 9-12 pm ~ Let’s Talk 1pm –  till dawn ~ True life Stories WED: 9 – 1 pm ~ Let Talk 1 pm- till dawn ~ Post Your Articles THUR: 9 – 12  pm ~  Sermon This Week 1 pm-…

  • Promise Dickson Chiwendu

      Name: Promise Dickson Chiwendu Sex:Female Email: FB ID: WhatsApp: +234909 141 3549 Place of worship: Eternal Hope Christian Mission Occupation: Student Are you born again? Answer: Yes!   Describe your salvation experience: Answer: My salvation experience has been wonderful although there are times where discouragement seems to come in but God has been…

  • Taiwo Egbetola

    1. NAME: Egbetola Taiwo

  • Introduction Form for Christian Bachelors and Spinsters Forum

    BRIEF INTRODUCTION: is an online Christian relationship/marriage group passionate about helping Christian singles find their God-ordained life partners. Our social media platforms which include Christian Bachelors and Spinsters, Facebook and WhatsApp groups and Christian Bachelors and Spinsters Forum a blog forum are helping believers who are single and searching to connect, learn, interact and…

  • Short Notes CB&S Programmes

    1. MORNING DEVOTION (M.D): This is just morning prayers and brief Bible reading/exhortation. It will be rotated among members. Those who can lead should indicate to us. 2. PLEASE ADVICE ME: During this programme mbers bring their relationship/marriage issues for advice and members who are versed in the word will give you counsel. 3. INTERLUDE:…


    CHRISTIAN BACHELORS AND SPINSTERS (CB&S) The CB&S is an online initiative whose aim is to help singles in Christ Jesus (believers) locate their life partners. The WhatsApp group and blog forum provide a unique avenue for Christian sisters and brothers ready for marriage to meet, interact, encourage one another, rub minds, and share with each…

  • 10 Ways To Avoid Sex During Courtship

    The Lord commands believers to shun all forms of sexual immorality even in their courtship. This article shows you 10 ways to avoid sexual immorality during courtship.

  • One Night Stand

    On night stand happens when a man and woman have sex on their first date. More often than not, in one night stand relationship, the woman involved is the loser. The story at the end of the post describes the anguish a lady in a one night stand scenario suffers. When you are tempted to…

  • 6 Signs He Is Not Interested In Marriage

    Majority of the ungodly men out there are only interested in taking ladies to bed just to satisfy their sexual appetite. Only few are interested in marriage. However they have noticed that many young girls are looking for marriage and not just a fling. So they device means get the ladies to warm their beds…